Hindi Typing Test (Kruti 010)Hindi Typing Test (Mangal)English Typing Test

Mangal_ keyboard

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Online Hindi Typing Test (Mangal Font with Remington Keyboard Layout)

This is the Best and Advance Online Hindi Typing Test with Mangal Font & Remington Layout provided by hindityping.info, here you can do regular typing practice on daily basis which will help you to easily Increase and improve your typing speed WPM (Words Per Minute), NWPM (Net Words Per Minute) & Accuracy.

Hindi Typing Test Terms

Basic difference between GWPM and NWPM is Gross Words Per Minute shows the Overall Typing Speed of a person including correct and incorrect words and Net Words Per Minute shows typing speed of a person with correct and accurate words in addition it penalizes users for incorrect and wrong words.

Some Indian Government Exams which takes Hindi Typing Test with Mangal Font & Remington Layout

Since Kruti Dev 010 (Legacy) font has become outdated. And in today’s world we need to type and practice on Unicode Format Fonts because Mangal Font is based on Unicode characters unlike Kruti Dev, it means words content written in Mangal font will remain same across all systems. All modern system and computer software support only Hindi Mangal Font hence many Indian government typing exams are switching over Mangal font but since “Remington layout” keyboard is very popular because of Kruti Dev & Typewriters, So instead of Mangal and Inscript keyboard Layout. They are opting for Mangal and Remington Layout so people can type easily on computer as well as on typewriter.