Top Rankings

(Minimum 100 Correct Words & 90% Accuracy required to get Ranking.)

Rank Name Net Words Per Minute Correct Words Incorrect Words Accuracy
1 Lefteris 65 191 8 95%
2 Jamie 63 312 6 98%
3 nathan 56 279 25 91%
4 Wiebe 55 274 8 97%
5 Wesley 54 270 1 99%
6 Daniël 53 159 11 93%
7 Nicolas 50 100 6 94%
8 linz 48 243 13 94%
9 TiceNits 46 228 7 97%
10 tommy 44 220 6 97%
11 Mia : 44 220 14 94%
12 kamko 44 216 17 92%

(Anonymous/Spam/Repetitive names with lower NWPM will be excluded.)

Online Dutch Typing Test ( nederlandse typetest )

Dutch is an official language of Netherland and more than 24 million people speaks Dutch language as their native language & 5 million people as secondary language. Including in Suriname, Aruba, Belgium where Dutch is one of the three official language. It is the most globally spoken Germanic language after English & German & also a close relative of German Language. This is the Best and Advance Online Dutch Typing Test provided by, here you can do regular typing practice on daily basis which will help you to easily Increase and improve your typing speed WPM (Words Per Minute), NWPM (Net Words Per Minute) & Accuracy.

  • Just Open “Typing Test” on our website and select Dutch Typing Test.

  • In few seconds a dialogue box will popup in which you have to “enter your name” type the same name which you want to show up in our “Top Ranking List” if you get Higher “NWPM” (Net Words Per Minutes) with Higher “Correct Words”.

  • Select “Number of Words” By Default “Random Words” are available which contains 1000 common Dutch language words.

  • Select “Time” this option gives you liberty of selecting your Typing Test Time, choose how much time you want to spend on typing. You can select from 1 minute to unlimited timer.

  • After you have selected everything then press “Continue” button and website will generate a text which you have to type. As soon as you press any button to type the highlighted text, countdown timer will start automatically.

Dutch Font

We use popular Dutch Unicode Font.

Some Dutch Typing Test Terms

  • Correct Words: These includes the words which user has type accurately.

  • Incorrect Words: These are those words which user has misspelled and typed wrongly.

  • Total Words: Correct Words + Incorrect Words = Total Words

  • Keystrokes: Total number of Times key pressed while typing including spacebar.

  • Accuracy: Percentage % of Correct Words in Total Words typed by the user.

  • Time Elapsed: This shows Total amount of Time spend by the user on Typing Test.

  • Gross Words Per Minute (GWPM): Total Words Typed / Time (minutes), This shows typing speed of a person and how fast he or she can type words per minute.

  • Net Words Per Minute (NWPM): Gross Words Per Minute – (Incorrect Words / Time), This shows typing speed of a person and how fast he or she can type words accurately per minute.

Basic difference between GWPM and NWPM is Gross Words Per Minute shows the Overall Typing Speed of a person including correct and incorrect words and Net Words Per Minute shows typing speed of a person with correct and accurate words in addition it penalizes users for incorrect and wrong words.