English to Sanskrit Typing

Online English To Sanskrit Typing

This section of our website hindityping.info is dedicated for free Online English to Sanskrit Typing. Here you can write in English and it will automatically get converted or transliterated into Sanskrit Language. Sanskrit is the sacred language of Hinduism, the language of classical Hindu philosophy, and of historical texts of Buddhism and Jainism.

For Example, if you type "likhati" in Sanskrit Conversion box it will be changed automatically to "लिखती" after pressing "space bar".

If you type " | " pipe (Shift + \ Key) in Sanskrit Conversion box it will give " । " Purn Viram.

Word & Character Suggestions

You can also change between Word Suggestions & Character Suggestions. In word suggestions mode you will get suggestion when you type whole word and release space bar but in character suggestions you will start getting suggestions the moment you start Sanskrit typing.

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About Sanskrit Language

Sanskrit has played an important role in the continuity of Indian civilisation. It was spoken and used in all parts of India at one time, including the Dravidian south. While Tamil has preserved a more or less unique literary history, all other Indian languages have freely borrowed from Sanskrit terminology, and their literature is infused with Sanskrit influences. Sanskrit is thought to be the world's earliest recorded language. From around 500 BC until roughly AD 1000, Classical Sansktrit reigned supreme, having evolved from Vedic periods. Although it is not the official language of any state in independent India, it is listed among the languages of the Constitution's Eighth Schedule.

The Rig-Veda hymns contain the seeds of Sanskrit literature. These hymns, which had been passed down orally for a long time, served not only as religious texts but also as a common literary standard throughout Aryan populations in India. After 1000 BC, the Brahttmnas produced a vast prose literature devoted to ritual affairs; yet, there are examples of brief and quick story-telling in these as well. The Grammar of Panini the Ashtadhyayi is the next major milestone in Sanskrit history. His description of the Sanskrit language became universally accepted and was set in stone for all time. The practise of writing had probably begun around the time Panini was codifying the Sanskrit language.

Sanskrit epic poetry (mahakavya) was the next most important development in secular literature. The Mahabharata's story was passed down orally for at least a thousand years after the war it commemorates before being written down. Dvaipayana or Vyasa is credited as being the first to sing of his own time's terrifying battle. The epic was eventually extended by Vaisampayana; Lomaharsana and Ugrasravas are said to have spoken the entire Mahabharata, which academics refer to as itihasa. The epic form of the account of the eighteen-day fight between the Kauravas and the Pandavas on the battlefield of Kurukshetra and the victory of the virtuous was most likely written around 100 BC.

The epics of Asvaghosa (first century AD) are the first examples of the full-fledged kavya approach now available. Through the pleasures of poetry, the beauty of language, and meaning, his Buddhacharita and Saundarananda portray the Buddhist concept of the shallowness of the universe. Later, in the fifth century AD, came Kalidasa with his Kumarasambhava, which tells the story of Kartikeya, Shiva's son, and Raghuvamsa, a portrait gallery of Rama's line monarchs, demonstrating the four purposes pursued by different rulers: virtue, riches, pleasure, and release. Bharavi belonged to the sixth century, and his epic Kiratarjuniya contains a whole chapter from the Mahabharata. A heroic narrative style complements the rich description and great characterisation.

Another field in which Sanskrit literature excels is literary criticism. Bharata's Natya Shastra is the oldest text of Indian literary criticism. Bhamaha (5th century AD) is the oldest known individual critic; he defines genres such as theatre, epic, lyric, prose biography, and (typically prose) novel, as well as examining literary expression and what makes it beautiful. Dandin (7th century AD) contributes to the genre of campu, or mixed prose and verse narration, which eventually became quite famous.

Sanskrit suffered a negative impact under the British occupation. Despite the introduction of English and the growing use of modern Indian languages, literary output in Sanskrit has persisted on a moderate scale until now. The Sanskrit language is currently used as a source of vocabulary for modern languages, which is an important usage. Sanskrit has the ability to generate new technical terminology on a vast scale that modern languages lack in their own resources.