Bengali (Inscript)

Bijoy (Unicode)
Top Rankings
(90% accuracy and at least 100 correct words are needed to rank.)
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Online Bengali Typing Test
Welcome to hindityping.info, an online typing speed test software that offers the best Bengali typing test. If you're searching for an application to test your Bengali typing speed, go no further. The right choice to do so is on this page. This provides a typing competition setting for all government exams.
You can practise touch typing for as long as you want on this website, and it's completely free. A test's minimum and maximum time limits are 1 minute and unlimited minutes, respectively. You can choose between various time periods, such as a 2 minutes typing exam a 10 minutes or 15 minutes typing test. Always keep in mind that practise makes perfect. Your typing speed will improve as you practise more. As a result, type fast and type long. Best wishes
You can also choose Random Words to make you better prepared for government jobs.
Back Space Key Enable & Disable Mode: This setting is specially for those who makes a lot of mistakes and use backspace more than enough while giving typing test exams. When you disable backspace key this mean you are no longer able to correct your mistakes while giving typing test exam even if you misspelled even a character. Hence forcing yourself to type more correctly and accurately. This will help you to gain higher accuracy and speed in long run.
Key Layout: For your Bangla typing test, you can choose between two keyboard layouts: Bengali Inscript Keyboard layout, which is common in India, and Bangla Bijoy Bayanno (Unicode) Keyboard layout, which is popular in Bangladesh.
Show Incorrect words: When Typing Test completes you will see this button appearing. This will show your all wrongly typed words during a test time. So, you can practise them again and make no mistake in future. You can also copy or download all the incorrect words as a txt file.
Bengali Typing Test Certificate: We are proud to announce that our website hindityping.info now also gives you a proof of your typing speed by issuing a certificate which are verifiable with its unique certificate number on our website. You can click on the Get Bengali typing test button which is appearing above a typing test app. Minimum Criteria for getting a typing test certificate is 28 net words per minute, 90% accuracy and 5 minutes of typing test.
Increase Net Words per Minute: The first stage is to teach yourself to type without looking at a keyboard. If you're a typist who doesn't know how to touch type, you're seriously lacking in some skills that are preventing you from reaching full speed. You neck back become round by staring at the keyboard over and over. Also, your speed will not go more than 30 wpm if u constantly look at the keyboard while typing, start typing without looking at your Remington Keyboard. This will save a significant amount of time.
It may be difficult for you to sit at a computer for more than a few minutes to practise Bengali typing. But, believe me when I say that practise is indeed the vital. It will improve your muscle memory for finding Character keys in the appropriate place on keyboard automatically. Simply increasing the time limit to 20 minutes and beginning to type on a daily basis will enable you to outperform your competitors.
Some Typing Test Terms
Correct Words: These includes the words which user has type accurately.
Incorrect Words: These are those words which user has misspelled and typed wrongly.
Total Words: Correct Words + Incorrect Words = Total Words.
Keystrokes: Total number of Times key pressed while typing including spacebar.
Accuracy: Percentage % of Correct Words in Total Words typed by the user.
Time Elapsed: This shows Total amount of Time spend by the user on Typing Test.
Difference between Gross words per minute and Net words per minute:
Gross Words Per Minute (GWPM): Total Words Typed ÷ Time (minutes), This shows typing speed of a person and how fast person can type words per minute.
Net Words Per Minute (NWPM): Gross Words Per Minute – (Incorrect Words ÷ Time (minutes)), This shows typing speed of a person and how fast person can type words accurately per minute.
Basic difference between GWPM and NWPM is Gross Words Per Minute shows the Overall Typing Speed of a person including correct and incorrect words and Net Words Per Minute shows typing speed of a person with correct and accurate words in addition it penalizes users for incorrect and wrong words.
About Bengali Language: Bengali has approximately 220 million native speakers and approximately 250 million total speakers. It ranks eighth among the most widely spoken languages on the planet. Bengali is spoken in Bangladesh as well as West Bengal and Tripura in India. Bengali is thought to have evolved as a separate language about the year 1000 AD. The beginnings of Bengali literature may be seen in songs written between the 11th and 12th century. The oldest known Bengali literary form is the Charyapada (ninth century), a collection of poems.
The book contains 47 lines composed by 23 poets from diverse parts of eastern India. The Buddhist Sahajiya cult's worldview inspired the Natha literature. Vaishnavism flourished throughout Bengal in the 14th century. After Sanskrit writings were translated into Bengali, it became a prominent literary form. In the 16th and 17th centuries, a new style of Vaishnava literature emerged, biographical in nature and centred on Chaitanya's personality. Krishnadasa Kaviraja's Chaitanya Charitamrita is the most well-known work in this manner.
The nineteenth century saw the emergence of contemporary Bengali literature. The contribution of Christian missionaries in the development of Bengali prose must be acknowledged. William Carey created a Bengali grammar and an English Bengali dictionary.